Update: Tue, May 19, PM, a few times. The v3 and 4 functions are correct!

The assignment is a dice roll 1 - 6. Results are below. What is wrong with this picture?

The first set of numbers is for the first dice function in the email thread "Dice program..." at 11:52pm 5/16/2020. The second is for the second email in the thread at 12:20am, 28 minutes later.

Keep refreshing the page to get new numbers. Results should be more-or-less random, but look at the results for 1 and 6 in the second version. I belive there is a similar trend for 0 and 6 in the first version.

You realized that version 1 is wrong. Version 2 is better but the dice are loaded. Version 2 does not yield a fair dice.

Yeah, yeah, this whole, beautiful program of mine might be considered an overblown, somewhat cruel troll to tell you that you're WRONG! BUG! BUG! ICKY!

  1. 4:48pm - interesting result of self-closing result div versus traditional
  2. v3, 4:46pm - added 4th version with newfangled, weird syntax
  3. v2, 05/19 5:39 - 5:40pm
  4. release version 1, 2020/05/17 1:14am EDT (1:14 v2)