$newStr = str_replace($searchForThisNeedle, $replaceWith, $inHaystackSubject);str_replace $intPosOrFalse = strpos ($hayStackSubject, $needleSearchingFor); strpos

date formats / date_format / DateTime::format


modified files in last day, excluding the .git hierarchy

find -mtime -1 -type f | grep -v /\.git\/*

Oldest to most recent files in hierarchy:

find . -type f -printf "%T+\t%p\n" | grep -v /\.git\/ | sort

Opposite direction ends with sort -r

ADB (Android Debug Bridge)

With phone plugged into USB and ADB authorized. 5555 is precise / hard-coded. is the phone's address

adb tcpip 5555 adb connect

To start over / try again:

adb kill-server

RAM disk

assuming rd2 already exists. The following lasts for boot session.

mount -t ramfs -o size=2g ramfs /tmp/rd2

To make permanet in /etc/fstab , below. Note that the uid stuff does not do what I indent. You have to change the permissions of /tmp/rd with every boot. I have not systematically solved that one yet. Also, I do not know what all the params mean. I know that the following seems to work.

ramfs /tmp/rd ramfs rw,exec,uid=bob,size=2G 0 0

ramdisk link James Coyle

future work

Hopefully there is a lot more to come now that I've started.