The numbers below aren't percentages. They're pro-con / plus-minus points. If a particular job is over 100, I'll probably take it.
two positive factors:
The rest are lesser and roughly equally weighted (10 points each?).
- In other words, pluses are Linux, PHP, Java, Python, RoR, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Node.js
Minuses are Windows, .NET, Oracle, MS SQL Server
It'd be lovely to be able to ask someone a technical question. I've rarely been able to do that in my career, and I've very rarely been able in 10+ years.
Otherwise put, I am not totally opposed to being the one-and-only expert, but it's getting somewhat tiring.
The ROWE goes to culture, too, of course.
I like the dress code "wear clothes." With that said, I would not be the one pushing the boundary. I would wear T-shirts and long-ish shorts, both without (noticeable and / or too many / big) holes, and flip flops.