a technical todo list
- finish cookie tracker
- improve sitemaps
- organize my GitHub repos
- integrate web change log with the GitHub change log I made long ago. (It's in GitHub.)
- continued whittling on my web server access logs analysis
- Check to see to what degree Big Evil Goo is indexing me these days; decide if I care.
- Now that I potentially have a bash shell scripting expert on hand, get him to make me a bunch of little commands to
speed up what I do all the time; and / or do this myself.
- Activate kwynn.com email and use my own servers
- Decide whether to register my "positive GMail check" widget
- Email analysis of timestamps by sender, number of words, ratio of words, who does and doesn't reply
- I'm not sure it's a separate item exactly, but work on Node.js with MongoDB
- Continue my moon tracking widget